Participating In My First Mystery Shawl Knit-A-Long!

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April 11, 2015
Things here have been quiet while working away on my latest cowl pattern.  Hope all your crafty endeavors are progressing the way you want!

Remember how I once said I don't usually knit from other people's patterns?  Well, that's totally changed for the next few weeks.  I signed up for not one, but two mystery knit-a-longs!

What's a mystery knit-a-long (MKAL)?  Basically, you are sent part of a pattern over the course of a set time and just knit it!  You don't know what it looks like, but there are usually little hints or clues.  Sometimes there are "spoiler" chat threads in the designer's group so you can see what others have knit.  It is a lot of fun!

So here is the one that I started on first:

Don't you just love the colours of that yarn?

And me being me, signing up just days before the MKAL meant I couldn't buy that yarn.  It is sock weight but I had nothing like those colours in my stash.  We were told a light and dark yarn were needed.  So, do I go out and buy some new skeins?  NOPE!  I bought liquid Kool-Aid, and the Walmart version of it instead.

I was gonna dye me sum yarn!

Years ago, I bought several POUNDS of undyed sock weight yarn.  I was building up my courage to dye it with natural dyes.  Still not there yet, but I dipped my toes into the Kool-aid dyeing pot.  Or casserole dish, I should say.

It was truly fascinating to see the heavily coloured water become almost clear within minutes of placing that thirsty skein in the dish.  I used this tutorial on how to dye with kool-aid.  Basically, it was a kettle of boiling water, squirt liquid dyes in a glass jar until I liked the colour, swear as I burnt my fingers by picking up that jar to empty into casserole dish, swish the dish a bit, then place yarn in dish.  I wanted a kettle dyed yarn look, you know, that uneven saturation of colour look throughout the skein.  I achieved this by adding only enough dye-water to cover the skein half way.  Once the skein was in the dye, I poured more boiling water on it until it looked like it does above.  (Plus I mashed it down and stirred slightly with a spoon, 'cos I can't leave anything alone.) Let it stand until the water was room temperature and rinsed it in room temperature water.  Then hung it up to dry.  Too easy!  Thought that the sweetened with fake sugar might be a problem, but nope!  Not sticky or crunchy at all.  I think it was due to letting it cool completely before rinsing. 

I love how it turned out!  And look how it knits up....

Above is Clue#1 knit up... taken during daylight.

And Clue #2.... taken at midnight, 'cos I'm obsessive, LOL

I'm using KnitPicks connectable needle tips in size US5 or 3.75mm.  I must say, I'm not enjoying them.  They keep unscrewing from the cable.  And the cable is not as flexible as I'd hoped for after I boiled it.  Meh.  I still like my ChiaoGoos much better, but did not have any in that size.

Up next, making mini skeins and dyeing them with Easter egg dyes!!!!  That's for the other MKAL.

Happy crafting everybody!  

16 comments on "Participating In My First Mystery Shawl Knit-A-Long!"
  1. gorgeous colours and gorgeous shawl!

    1. Thank you so very much! I'm really digging the colours and pattern too :)

  2. I Love how your colour ended up!

    1. Thanks Lesley! I think I'm hooked on dyeing with kitchen stuff, :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Are you using the key to tighten the needles? I think mine have unscrewed once in three years of heavy use.

    1. Um, key? I didn't see one in the needle packet or the cord packet. Where do you get it?

  5. It's in with the connectors. It's more like a pin with a hoop on one end to hold it. You put it in the hole on the cables, and then twist the needle (try to hold the metal part if you can.)



    3. LOL, Okay, I'm a total idiot! LOL I did see that in the package and thought it was a stitch marker or whatever. I can't believe I made that mistake! :D

      Ah, old dogs can be taught new tricks! LOL Thanks Mama Mel for all the links. Needles are tight, and ready for action! Just have to wait until Friday, the 17th for the next pattern instructions.

      Yikes, sometimes I can't even believe my own level of silliness. :P

    4. And you can always use a paper clip if you happen to misplace it!

    5. That's an excellent tip, 'cos I've already, um, misplaced the key in my studio. Thanks!

  6. Your yarn came out beautiful and Romi's patterns are a great match.

    Be careful, dyeing is addictive!

    1. Oh, dyeing is soooo addicitive! I find I can't even look at coloured drinks without wondering how they would look in yarn form.

      Thanks for the compliment! :) And this shawl MKAL is coming a long famously. She really knows how to mix and match lace stitches!

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