A Year Of HandMade #5: Favourite Thing You Have Ever Made

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April 15, 2015
Eeeps!  I'm falling behind in my blogging list for the #yearofhandmade link up!  Onwards, and hopefully I'll catch up during April... :)

#5:  What is the favourite thing you have ever made?

That is a tough question.  I craft.  A lot.  Hmmm.

Right now I'm in the throws of dyeing yarn, so... I'd have to say this nifty large tool:

The PVC Skein Winder
Now this is not a picture of mine, but I made it exactly to the plans, so it is virtually identical.

It has a diameter of almost exactly 2 yards.  I can use it upright or lay it flat on the floor, depending which is the easiest choice for my poor shoulder.  It spins like a dream!  (The skein winder, not the shoulder, LOL!)

Here is another one I might make...

I can see this as being very handy for rewinding a dyed skein.

If I choose to dive deeper into the natural dyeing world, I think I'm going to build a foot pedal powered skein winder with an electronic counter.   Something like in the video below...

And I think I'm going to build one of these!  'Cos it looks really handy and fun! 
So how about you?
What is the favourite thing you have ever made?
2 comments on "A Year Of HandMade #5: Favourite Thing You Have Ever Made "
  1. Wow! I am so impressed with that! I wish I had something like that, then my sister or boyfriend or mother would not always be so mad at me for asking them to hold my yarn for me as I wind!
    (Also, considering that this year of handmade thing is set up by me, and I am so behind as well, don't even worry about it! I am also doing my prompts very out of order!)

    1. Hey Rebecca! I gotta admit, no one in my family will hold a skein for me, so my pvc swift was made out of frustration/desperation. At least your family members will still hold them for you. (Bribes of knitwear?) The foot pedal pvc winder the one I reeeaaaaalllllyyyy want. After winding 800yards of sock yarn, my shoulder was demanding a break!
